392 research outputs found

    The Infrared Emission from the Narrow Line Region

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    We present models for the mid- and far- infrared emission from the Narrow Line Region (NLR) of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Using the MAPPINGS III code we explore the effect of typical NLR parameters on the spectral characteristics of the IR emission. These include useful IR emission line ratio diagnostic diagrams for the determination of these parameters, as well as Star formation--AGN mixing diagnostics. We also examine emission line to continuum correlations which would assist in separating the IR emission arising from the NLR from that coming from the inner torus. We find for AGN like NGC 1068 and NGC 4151 that the NLR only contributes ~10% to the total IRAS 25 mum flux, and that other components such as a dusty torus are necessary to explain the total AGN IR emission.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Paper with full resolution figures available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~brent/publications/bgrovesnlrIRpaper.pd

    Local Analogs for High-redshift Galaxies: Resembling the Physical Conditions of the Interstellar Medium in High-redshift Galaxies

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    We present a sample of local analogs for high-redshift galaxies selected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The physical conditions of the interstellar medium (ISM) in these local analogs resemble those in high-redshift galaxies. These galaxies are selected based on their positions in the [OIII]/Hβ\beta versus [NII]/Hα\alpha nebular emission-line diagnostic diagram. We show that these local analogs share similar physical properties with high-redshift galaxies, including high specific star formation rates (sSFRs), flat UV continuums and compact galaxy sizes. In particular, the ionization parameters and electron densities in these analogs are comparable to those in z≃2−3z\simeq2-3 galaxies, but higher than those in normal SDSS galaxies by ≃\simeq0.6~dex and ≃\simeq0.9~dex, respectively. The mass-metallicity relation (MZR) in these local analogs shows −0.2-0.2~dex offset from that in SDSS star-forming galaxies at the low mass end, which is consistent with the MZR of the z∼2−3z\sim2-3 galaxies. We compare the local analogs in this study with those in other studies, including Lyman break analogs (LBA) and green pea (GP) galaxies. The analogs in this study share a similar star formation surface density with LBAs, but the ionization parameters and electron densities in our analogs are higher than those in LBAs by factors of 1.5 and 3, respectively. The analogs in this study have comparable ionization parameter and electron density to the GP galaxies, but our method can select galaxies in a wider redshift range. We find the high sSFR and SFR surface density can increase the electron density and ionization parameters, but still cannot fully explain the difference in ISM condition between nearby galaxies and the local analogs/high-redshift galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    High-mass star formation in southern disk galaxies

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    As part of a major study of the physical processes of star formation and the evolution of galactic discs, the detailed distribution of high-mass star formation within southern late-type spirals and Magellanic-type galaxies is being measured by means of narrow-band imaging in Ha and the continuum, spectroscopic studies of prominent HII regions identified in the Ha images, and by radio mapping in neutral hydrogen and the continuum. The radio mapping will be undertaken with the Southern Hemisphere's first large, multi-frequency synthesis array, the Australia Telescope. Some optical imaging and spectroscopic data has already been acquired; the optical data and some preliminary results are described

    Resolving the electron temperature discrepancies in HII Regions and Planetary Nebulae: kappa-distributed electrons

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    The measurement of electron temperatures and metallicities in H ii regions and Planetary Nebulae (PNe) has-for several decades-presented a problem: results obtained using different techniques disagree. What it worse, they disagree consistently. There have been numerous attempts to explain these discrepancies, but none has provided a satisfactory solution to the problem. In this paper, we explore the possibility that electrons in H ii regions and PNe depart from a Maxwell-Boltzmann equilibrium energy distribution. We adopt a "kappa-distribution" for the electron energies. Such distributions are widely found in Solar System plasmas, where they can be directly measured. This simple assumption is able to explain the temperature and metallicity discrepancies in H ii regions and PNe arising from the different measurement techniques. We find that the energy distribution does not need to depart dramatically from an equilibrium distribution. From an examination of data from Hii regions and PNe it appears that kappa ~ 10 is sufficient to encompass nearly all objects. We argue that the kappa-distribution offers an important new insight into the physics of gaseous nebulae, both in the Milky Way and elsewhere, and one that promises significantly more accurate estimates of temperature and metallicity in these regions.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, published in Ap

    On the missing 2175 A-bump in the Calzetti extinction curve

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    Aims. The aim of the paper is to give a physical explanation of the absence of the feature in the Calzetti extinction curve. Methods.We analyze the dust attenuation of a homogeneous source seen through a distant inhomogeneous distant screen. The inhomogeneities are described through an idealized isothermal turbulent medium where the probability distribution function (PDF) of the column density is log-normal. In addition it is assumed that below a certain critical column density the carriers of the extinction bump at 2175 Å are being destroyed by the ambient UV radiation field. Results. Turbulence is found to be a natural explanation not only of the flatter curvature of the Calzetti extinction curve but also of the missing bump provided the critical column density is NH = 1021 cm-2. The density contrast needed to explain both characteristics is well consistent with the Mach number of the cold neutral medium of our own Galaxy which suggests a density contrast s.σp≈6
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